Thursday, February 13, 2014

Stop Global Warming

Earlier in the month, I had researched gestalt principles. In this work of art, I chose to incorporate two into my work. The gestalt principles are great ways to sort of trick the mind and play with how you see things. It was really awesome to take what I had learned and make something out of it. In this particular piece, I had used proximity in the girl's shirt with the orange lines. I had also used closure within the ice cream cone. I began this project by choosing a worldly issue, global warming, that really needs to be changed. I started with the ice cream itself. To me, it is the most important thing about the picture. I believe it helps get the concept across since it is the world melting. I traced a very generic photo of ice cream with the pen tool and chose colors to fit the Earth. I then made the little girl, I wanted to use a human in the picture because we are the cause of global warming and as a child, we're ignorant to the world and it's issues and I feel that a lot of people are simply ignoring the fact that our Earth is in danger. I drew her with the pen tool as well, and used the pencil tool on her shirt. I then went on to make the sun and flames with the pen tool. I am happy with this piece, but I do think it could have been better. I'm not happy with the sun flames, but with how much I learned on this project I am happy.

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